Save Downtown Manchester

We believe Main St, should stay Main St

Save Downtown

Preserve our travel lanes, parking, and annual signature events

Sign the Petition

Preserve our Lanes

Preserve a 4 Lane Main St; current proposal seeks to eliminate 2 lanes, reduce the width and maintain ONLY 2 travel Lanes with a left-hand turning lane at various intersections

Preserve our Parking

The town seeks to develop the Forest Street Parking Lot and only maintain 60 public spaces, as currently proposed. The new library is 75,000 sq. feet and the architect identifies a need for 255 spaces; with 50 planned behind the library, of which 20-25 are for staff. The Army and Navy Club’s existence depends on the FULL use of the total 110 spaces in the Forest Street parking lot. The Army and Navy Club and the new library ALONE will need all 110 spaces, in addition to the OTHER local business that utilize those spots for customers and employees.

Preserve our Annual Signature Events

Sign our Petition

The time is NOW. Sign our Petition. Request an at home visit from one of our Manchester Circulators.

Email us today: