Alternative Recommendations, Main Street, Downtown Manchester
March 25, 2024
1. Preserve four (4) vehicle travel lanes on Main Street, downtown.
2. Preserve all diagonal parking and pursue opportunities to add more.
Investigate adding 15 or more angled parking spaces in front of Saint James
Good for Main Street businesses and Saint James for services.
Upon demolition of the Tong building, develop additional angled parking on Main Street from Saint James Street south.
Develop angled parking on the north side of Myrtle Street. Convert Myrtle Street to one way westbound. Will help the 700 block & fix parking at Youth Center.
3. Develop and construct the alternative cycle plan. Install bike depots in six locations where the cyclists’ become pedestrians and walk just like a person who parks a car.
Include Kiosk’s at bike depots that can be sponsored by businesses with maps of the downtown and other info.
Evaluate & consider a public toilet at some of the bike kiosk locations.
4. Use the USDOT Smart Program Grant to reconstruct the existing traffic and crosswalk signal systems.
Install black historic architectural arms for traffic lights.
Install automated speed safety cameras.
5. Other improvements & upgrades: sidewalks, trees, plantings and add park-like features where space permits. Repave Main Street.
Create a small park gathering area where the bus stop is located in front of Saint James.
Replace street lighting with a more pedestrian level lighting system.
Add signage for back lot and side street businesses.
6. Protect existing parking lots and areas from being developed and add parking lots where parking is limited for economic growth.
7. As indicated in the project executive summary to secure the grant, utilize some of the funds for the vulnerable and underserved Spruce Street corridor to access downtown with well lighted streets to safely walk to Main Street and the new proposed library.